Slides & more! Internationalization and Unicode Conference Presentations

A sampling of what you'll find at the annual IUC in Santa Clara, CA


The Internationalization and Unicode Conference is held in Silicon Valley every year, in October or November. Many IMUG members, speakers, and friends share their expertise at this event. You'll find links to more details about the next "IUC" on the professional training and events page, and there's more about the Unicode Consortium on our online resources page.

Beginning with IUC40 (2016), the organizers are archiving presentation slides on the conference website:

Here is a small selection from IUC39 (2015), listed in the order they were posted to social media:

And here are some from IUC38 (2014). Except for the keynote, they are listed in the order posted to social media:

For more information about upcoming and past conferences, visit


See also:
Professional training and events recommended by IMUG members
Web resources for multilingual computing recommended by IMUG members



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